Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tutorial on How to Make Artwork Candles
Friday, April 29, 2011
Rice and Cocoanut Scrub Recipe

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Lemon Lime Lip Balm Recipe

Just remember that citrus essential oils are photosensitive which can cause rashes or sunburn on your skin if you are not careful. Since your lips have the thinnest skin on your body, I would not recommend wearing this balm outside.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tangerine Soap from Martha Stewart

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Learn how to make Castille Soap in 13 steps

Monday, April 25, 2011
Layered Pillar Candle

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Wrapping Soap Tutorial from Magdoline
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Scrub into Spring: Solid Exfoliating Scrub Tutorial

Friday, April 22, 2011
Flower Perfume Recipes from EHow
How to Make Perfume Using Flowers
How to Make Honeysuckle Perfume
How to Make Passion Flower Perfume
How to Make Lavender Perfume
How to Make Rose Perfume
How to Make Perfume From Wild Violets
I have not tried making perfumes in this way before so I could not say if I like them or not. My previous experience in making perfumes was taking a class through The Nova Studio
called 3 Types of All Natural Perfumes (aka Essential Oil Blending). In this class, I learned how to make a perfume in a spray, solid and roll-on version. I really liked the solid and roll on version. If you are interested in taking this class, The Nova Studio offers this class as an individual class or part of their Original 4 Day Bath and Body Boot Camp.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Rebatching Soap Instructions from Soap Making Essentials
In the article Rebatching Soap Instructions from Soap Making Essentials takes you the various ways you can make a bar of soap through the rebatching process. The article discusses two ways that you can rebatch soap - The Crockpot Method and Boil-n-Bag. The author of this article says that the crockpot method is much easier than the standard stove stop process or the oven process. As of the Boil-n-Bag method, the author is great because you don't have to worry about scorching and there is very little clean-up and recommends that you use a small amount of soap scraps.
So if you have rebatched soap by either of the stove top or oven methods and you have not had success, then you may want to try these two new techniques. Or if you are trying this method for this very first time, you may want to either of these. Give it a try and let us know how it went.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
How to Make Milk Bath Balm
Her recipe is different from what I have made in the past for a bath melt. The only item that we have similiar in our recipes is shea butter. I found the addition of unscents baby soap, powdered milk and poppy seeds quite interesting in a bath melt recipe. And I am wondering if I could add powdered milk to the recipe I have. I guess I will have to put on my lab coat and goggles in order to give it a try. If that does not work I will have to try her recipe.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Bath Bomb Surprise

Monday, April 18, 2011
Grapefruit Salt Glow Recipe
Sunday, April 17, 2011
How to Make Soap Stamps

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Jelly Soap Tutorial

Friday, April 15, 2011
Rolled Beehive Candles

According to Erica, many variations are possible with rolled beeswax. You can cut the beeswax into shapes with a knife or cookie cutters and gently press the shapes onto completed rolled candles to create unique designs. Mix and match colors or cut sheets to varying sizes for other designs. You can even add some shimmer or glitter to the outside of the candle by rolling it or painting it with glitters.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Creamy Carrot Cold Process Soap Recipe

I was really intrigued with this recipe and read the ingredients. Would you believe that Half and Half Cream and Carrot baby food are two of the ingredients that make this recipe happen?
Truly, I do not know if this is the actual picture of the finished project, but I would imagine that carrots would make the soap an orange color. Or maybe there is not enough carrots in this recipe to make any color change. Has anyone tried to add carrots to their soap before?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Herbal Scalp Massage Bars Recipe

According to the author, this fragrant massage bar can be used all over the body, but were especially formulated for the scalp. Amla, Argan, Copaiba, and Vegetable Squalene Oils are intensely conditioning, healthful ingredients for your scalp. These nutritious oils will feed your hair's roots while being stimulated by a gentle massage and Essential Oil Blend.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Importance of Measuring Accurately
Measurements are a key component in candle making. For the candle maker wanting to pursue selling their candles it is critical. To sell candles, you must be able to re-create the formula and if you have not measured or written down everything, how can you duplicate it? Although I like some forms of math, this kind just gives me headaches! It is my least favorite aspect of candle making.
Weight vs. volume is one of the first things to focus on. To refresh our memories weight is the actual volume of the product and volume is how much space it takes up. With that being said, can you see why it is important? Fragrance oils have different densities. For example, 1 oz. of patchouli may look less in a container compared to 1 oz. of strawberry, but in reality they weight the same, one is just denser than the other. For this reason, weight is the more accurate measure in candle making. If you use 1 oz. by volume of a denser fragrant it is going to affect your final product. It could be too much and cause the candle to sweat. I always recommend weighing all LIQUID ingredients by weight.
On the other hand, this reasoning does not hold true with “dry” ingredients. For example, 1 tsp. of Vybar 260 weighs only 1/10 of an oz., not 1/6 of an ounce. (Water is used to determine how much 1 tsp. weighs). So if you went by weight on it, you would in reality be using too much Vybar. Confused yet? It is important to remember that the common weight ratios are measured using water. Some ingredients are going to be lighter than water and others heavier. 1 lb. of wax is equivalent to 20 oz. when melted, not 16 oz. I know it can be too confusing so I am going to go over some common measurements and how to change your ratios.
1 lb. = 16 oz. = 454 g = 454 ml = 32 Tbsp. (by volume) = 96 tsp. (by volume)
1 oz. = 28.4 g = 2 Tbsp. (by volume) = 16 tsp. (by volume)
1 cup (by volume) = 8 oz. (by volume) = ½ lb. (by volume) = 48 tsp. (by volume) = 6 Tbsp. (by volume)
1 tsp. (by volume) = 1/6 oz. (by volume) = 1/3 Tbsp. (by volume) = ~4.7g = 4.7 ml
1 Tbsp. (by volume) = 3 tsp. (by volume) = ~ ½ oz. = ~14 g = 14 ml
1 lb. of beeswax = 16 volume ounces
1 lb. of soy wax = 18 volume ounces
1 lb. of paraffin wax = 20 volume ounces
One of the ways I try to look at this is if it fits in a measuring cup/spoon it is a volume weight. Weight to volume conversion cannot be used with dry materials accurately. So now we have a semblance of understanding about measuring our materials. We’ve been given a recipe going by pound, how would we convert it? My recipe calls for 1 lb. of wax, 1 tsp. of Vybar, and 1 oz. of scent. Now I want to make 10 lbs. of this formula. I simply multiply each by 10 to get 10 lbs. of wax, 10 tsp. of Vybar (or 3 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp.), and 10 oz. of scent. I will only use measuring spoons on my Vybar and will weight my wax and scent. Now we’ve been given a recipe using percentages. The key to this is that all percentages of ingredients used must total 100%. For example, I have a recipe calling for 90% paraffin, 1% Vybar, and 9% scent. These percentages do total 100% and would make 100 lbs. of mix. But what if I only wanted to make 10 lbs.? I would take each component and divide by 10 and get 9 lbs. of paraffin, 1/10 of a lb. of Vybar and 1/10 percent of scent. Looking at my above list, 1/10 of a lb. of Vybar would be equivalent to 9.6 tsp. of Vybar and 1.6 oz. of scent.
Believe it or not, some recipes use proportions, parts. It may call for 90 parts wax, 1 part Vybar, and 6 parts scent for a total of 97 parts. The parts can represent whatever measurement you are using. Usually you are using pounds of wax, not ounces so thinking in terms of pounds would be best. But what if I only wanted to use 10 lbs. of wax? I would divide my 97 by 10 giving me 9.7. I then would divide the other “parts” by 9.7. Since it would all be represented by pounds I would have to use my conversion to find ounces and teaspoons. If I wanted to increase I would still divide my overall parts by the amount I wanted to use, but I would then multiply the other parts by that result instead of divide. Proportions can be very challenging, but you can easily convert them to percentages. Simply take your total parts and divide by actual parts which would be 97/90 and then multiply by 100. Likewise, the Vybar would be 97/1 multiplied by 100.
To find how much wax to use for your project, fill the container you are using with water and weigh for ounces. Multiply this answer by how many containers you are filling and then divide by 20. For example, I am making 10 2 oz. votives, which gives me 20 total ounces divided by 20 (how many ounces by volume are in 1 lb. of wax) giving me 1. I would then know to use 1 lb. of wax for this project. That is the super simple formula. If you are adding fragrance oils and additives you will need to remember to allow for those.
Permission to reprint by Shanda Lynn Markham, BellaOnline's Candlemaking Editor. Original article -
Monday, April 11, 2011
Recipe: Luscious Bath Truffle Melts
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Simple Easter Scrub Recipe

All of the ingredients you would need for this project can be purchased through Brambleberry: 2 cups fine grain dead sea salt, 3 tablespoons lotion base, 3 tablespoons soap concentrate base, 1 1/2 tablespoons Vitamin E oil, 1 ounce Jojoba oil, 2 ounce Sweet Almond oil, 3 teaspoons Jojoba beads, 1/4 oz. lettuce fragrance oil, Shredded loofah and Emerald Green labcolor to sprinkle on the top, and 4 ounce tin container with clear top
According to Anne Marie the instructions are very simple. Just mix everything except the loofah and Emerald Green labcolor together.Spoon into your container.To make the grass green loofah: Put some diluted labcolor (suggest 10 ml of Labcolor in 3 ounces of water) and the loofah in a seal top baggie and then mush them around until they are as green as you like. Ideally, you'll want just enough liquid to color the loofah without making it sopping wet. For an extra special touch, make some of our play dough soap and roll into little egg shapes. Next roll the little eggs in some iridescent shredded glitter and scatter across the top of the scrub.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Pampering Petits Fours Idea
Thanks to Dee in WSP Customer Service at Wholesale Supplies Plus for this yummy Petits Four Guest Soap design idea. I especially like that you can take the concept and adapt it to various products such as soap, bath melts and wax tarts.
The ingredients you need to make these adorable guest soaps are: Crafter's Choice Goats Milk Soap Base, Crafter's Choice Sugared Shortbread Fragrance and Brownie Bite 24 Cavities Square Mold.
Crumble toppings are made with coarse salts and drizzle soap embellishments are colored with Crafter's Choice Liquid Lake Dyes.Tea set came from the Dollar Store. If you would like to make these into bath melts, use our Buttery Bath Melt recipe. Decorate the top of the melt with colored soap and bath salts. ping the same as you would the guest soaps.
If you would like to make these into wax tarts, Dee would recommend the IGI Wax 4641 and a small amount of Crafter's Choice Banana Liquid Candle Color. You could still decorate the squares by drizzling colored wax on the top. Add colored salt to the top. You can then leaves these out as a aromatic room decoration or melt them in a tart burner.
Remember all of these supplies can be purchased through Wholesale Supplies Plus and check the WSP blog for more wonderful recipes and ideas!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Botanical Deodorant Recipe

Alison shares wonderful recipes on her blog, Do it Yourself Skincare. I would say that Alison's blog is one of the top blogs that I follow that is totally devoted to making your own body products.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Instructions for Pantry Soaps from Martha Stewart

So if you would like to create this project from Martha, you will need: Glycerin melt and pour soap base, Honey, Ginger, Cinnamon, Ground clove, Oatmeal, Chamomile tea, and Yogurt Cups (1 1/4 inches deep, or cottage cheese containers). If you do not eat yogurt or cottage cheese, ask someone who does to save the containers for you.
The only thing you will not be able to raid from your pantry is the glycerin soap base. In Martha's instructions, she suggested purchase the soap base from Michaels. But if you are considered about the SLS and other questionable ingredients in the Life of Party Soap, then I would recommending locating a supplier that carries a pure vegetable glycerin soap base. For example, in the San Francisco Bay Area I know of two places that sells such a product. The two places would be Juniper Tree in Berkeley and Opalz Zoaps in Palo Alto.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hand to Heal Softening Salve Recipe Demonstrated on Martha Stewart Show
If you would like to know the extact recipe for the Hand to Heel Softening Salve, I have found it on Martha's website. You may want to print it out and watch the repeat airing of this demo tomorrow (4/7/11) at 1 pm (pacific) on the Hallmark Channel. Check your local listings for the correct channel number. In the San Francisco Bay Area it is usually on Channel 80 or 185 if you have Comcast Cable.
Two Tone Layered Cold Process Soap Technique

The ingredients and tools for the layered soap by Brambleberry are 15.4 oz Olive Oil , 13.2 oz Coconut Oil , 11 oz Palm Oil, 4.4 oz Palm Kernel Flakes, 6.57 oz Lye, 4.52 oz Water, 2 oz Annatto infused Sweet Almond Oil, 2 oz Alkanet infused Sweet Almond Oil, 1 oz 10X Orange Essential Oil, 1 oz Amber Fragrance Oil, 1 oz Black Tea Fragrance Oil and Vertical Wood Log Mold.
Monday, April 4, 2011
How to Start a Crafts Consignment Business
If you would like more information on selling your crafts through an online consignment shop, there is plenty of information on the internet. Here are some articles you may want to consider reading:
Ehow article,How to Start a Crafts Consignment Business article, Selling Your Arts and Crafts Through Consignment
Craft Tips Arts and Craft Directory Consign your way to success
Make Extra Money
Selling on Consignment
Where to Sell Your Crafts Online
There are probably many online craft consignment stores out on the internet. I am listing a few that you may want to take a look at. In no way, I am recommending any of these sites. But if you decide to consign your crafts, remember to do your research throughly.
Wendy's Craft Mall
American Craft Directory Crafter's Catalog
Handmade Catalog
I do not know of too many brink and morter craft malls in the San Francisco Bay Area. So far I only know of one and that is Cranberry Hill Mercantile in Sunnyvale, CA. At Cranberry Hill, one would rent a space and give a certain percentage of the crafter's sale. And each crafter who rented space had to devote so many hours working at the location. It has been awhile since I inquired information that it may have change. And I do distinctly remember that the person who I spoke to said that there is very little turnover. But with the downturn in the ecomony that may have changed. The other one I know of was across the bay in Newark. But that location has been closed for quite along time.
I would like to hear from anyone who has sold their crafts on an online consignment shop - the good, the bad and the ugly. Share any important lessons, tips, etc. sites, and articles that you would like to pass along to my fellow readers.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Cream Soap Tutorial from Yummy Suds
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Body Mousse Recipe
with an immersion blender.
What is nice about this recipe is that the author gives you the appropiate amount of perservative if you want to put it or you can leave it out. So the choice is up to you. But if you do not use a preservative, then you should use it right away and keep it in the fridge like the author suggests.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Coconut Sugar Scrub Recipe

I am not much of a coconut person, but this recipe somehow reminds me of being on a tropical island such as Hawaii or somewhere in the Carribbean. So if you cannot afford to go to take a trip you may want to make this sugar scrub recipe to take a brief relaxing trip from your everyday life. Give this recipe a try and let us what you think.