Thursday, October 29, 2015
Gingerbread Man Lotion Bars
Well, Saturday is Halloween then the holiday madness will start. I saw these really cute lotion bars from The Soap Queen called Gingerbread Man and I thought they were really cute. I thought it would be a good idea to share this because it may get your creative juices flowing on what you want to make and give out this holiday season. This is a beginner's level project that only takes 30 to 60 minutes to make and results in three 4 oz bars. So it would not take no time to make these but do not wait until the last minute to make these. Just remember you have to order the supplies.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
How to Make Soap Gems on Soap Queen TV
I think the first time I heard of soap rocks when I was watching QVC and they were selling them on air. I have also seen them being sold at the East West Bookshop in Mountain View. Andy the company that makes soap rocks does a beautiful job in making them look so realistic. I knew someone who make their own. Plus several years ago, The Nova Studio had a guest teacher who did a one day class. If you have seen these types of melt and pour soaps and would like to attempt to make some, I found this tutorial which appears on Soap Queen TV called How to Make Soap Gems
Monday, October 26, 2015
Dry Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs and Cats
Many years ago The Nova Studio had a bootcamp that included a class on making products for dogs. At that time you had to take the whole bootcamp in order to take the class. I was only interested in that class because I do pet sitting on the side and wanted to make products for my clients Over the years, they allowed students to take an individual class but sad to say they never offered that class. So when I saw this Dry Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs and Cats from The Mountain Rose Blog, I wanted to share this with all of you who have dogs and cats.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Back to Basics: Crisp Cotton Swirl Cold Process
There are different kinds of swirl techniques for cold process soap. I have done the swirl in the pot but I found this different technique from The Soap Queen. The type of swirl used in this Crisp Cotton Swirl Cold Process Soap is referred to as a "drop swirl. This means the colors are poured or dropped into a mold from varying heights. As the soap is poured, it will begin to swirl inside the mold. This intermediate level soap project makes about two to three pounds of soap.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Lavender Goat Milk Melt and Pour Bars
If you are a melt and pour soap maker that has never tried using a goat's milk soap base, here is your chance. This melt and pour soap project from The Soap Queen called Lavender Goat Milk Melt and Pour Bars uses a base that has 10% goats milk which gives the soap a creamy silky feeling. Plus it adds luxury and a touch of shimmer. The lettering on the soap is a beautiful contrast to the base. But do not worry, this soap also contains some clear soap base. Go have some fun with this recipe!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Easy DIY Cranberry Sugar Scrub
To me Cranberries are one of the ingredients of the holiday season. And making a handmade gift is extra special during this time of the year. Most handmade gifts can require extra work but this Cranberry Sugar Scrub from The Soap Queen is really easy to make and you can give it immediately. Since Christmas is about 2 months away, why not start planning who you want to give this too and order your supplies now so you have your product made in time for the holidays.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Back to Basics: Layered Lavender Cold Process Tutorial
Have you been practicing your cold process soap making skills and are ready to take your skills to the next level? Here is a really nice layering technique from The Soap Queen. In a recent post, Anne Marie wrote this post called Back to Basics: Layered Lavender Cold Process Tutorial that is a third in a series. The first two projects were designed to give you a "feel" for soaping and did not feature color or any complex design elements. But this one you will be working with color, thick trace and gel phase!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
A Sunny Day - M&P embeds a tutorial
If you like working with melt and pour soap base, here is a really cute spring melt and pour soap project from Riverlea Soap that uses M&P Embeds called a Sunny Day. Once you get the hang of this project, it just may inspire you to create other melt and pour soap projects.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Bath Bomb Questions & Answers
Would you believe that bath bombs are a great project for both beginning and advanced crafters? Yes, they are. Making bath bombs is an easy process, but it does take a little practice. Bath bombs are sensitive to moisture and can be finicky. Without the right mixture of ingredients bath bombs can crumble, fall apart or fizz incorrectly. So if you have had some issues with making bath bombs, The Soap Queen recently had a post called Bath Bomb Questions and Questions that can help you with your issues making bath bombs.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Sparkling Champagne Soap Cupcakes on Soap Queen TV
A couple of years ago I took a class from Ruth Esteves at The Nova on how to make cupcake soaps from a cold process recipe. I have not made any cupcake soaps but when I saw a tutorial called Sparkling Champagne Soap Cupcakes on The Soap Queen's site it reminded me how cute these soaps are.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
How to thicken a lotion?

Saturday, October 17, 2015
Gold Mine Cold Process Soap Tutorial
The Soap Queen has been sharing projects inspired by lots of shimmer and shine. When she was brainstorming on cold process designs, it made Anne Marie thinking of mining for gold and came up with this Gold Mine Cold Process Soap. Looking at the tutorial, it looks like it comes out to be a really cool bar of soap. Give it a try!
Friday, October 16, 2015
Midas Touch Bath Bombs
Are you looking for a variety in your bath bombs? Well, I found these Midas Touch Bath Bombs project from The Soap Queen that might just foot the bill. This intermediate bath bomb project will give you a super luxurious bath experience. First of all, these bombs are covered with King's Gold Mica which will fill the tub with a gold shimmer and leave a sparkle on your skin. Second, cocoa butter is added to the dry ingredients to create a barrier on the skin to help with retaining and restore moisture. Next, Meadowfoam oil is also added to this recipe for moisturizing and a non-greasy feel. And last but not least the combination of Champagne and Orange Grove Fragrance Oils to create a bubbly and fruity mixture that smells like a mimosa.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Pumpkin Pie Melt and Pour Soap
Now that Autumn is here, the first thing that comes to my mind is pumpkins. This weekend is the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival and this melt and pour soap recipe from The Soap Queen called Pumpkin Pie is just the ticket to remind me that the fall season is here. Plus it gears me up for the Thanksgiving Holiday next month. I am not much of a pumpkin pie eater but I love the aroma of all the spices that goes into making it.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
WildCraft Face Cream Recipe
Love to use face cream? Here is a luxuriously rich and silky recipe from The Mountain Rose Herb Blog called WildCraft Face Cream. This adaption of another recipe absorbs quickly without leaving a filmy or greasy residue. According to the blog, the best part of this face cream is that it has an unbelievably velvet texture and smooth consistency which leaves your skin feeling fresh and supple.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Paprika Lime Cold Process Soap
One of my favorite scents is lime and spearmint (mojito) but when I saw this cold process soap recipe from Lovin' Soap called Paprika Lime I thought it was interesting to check into. The paprika gives this bar of soap a nice bright orange color with speckling throughout. Interesting effect, wouldn't you say?
Monday, October 12, 2015
Shining up Cold Process Soap (How to Get Rid of Ash on Soap)
Have you ever experienced soda ash when you are making soap by the cold process method? I have. For those who do not know what soda ash happens during the initial saponification process and sometimes during the curing period. It is caused primarily by and free sodium in sodium hydroxide interacting with oxygen, various fragrance constituents event. It form sodium carbonate on the surface of the soap as it comes comes in contact with the air. It is a common occurrence and there are a couple different ways to prevent or get rid of it. In a recent post from Modern Soapmaking called Shining up Cold Process Soap (How to Get Rid of Ash on Soap) gives you tips and tricks on how to resolve this issue.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
RECIPE: Peachy Ice Cream Soap Pops
Even though summer is over, in some parts of the country they are still experiencing summer weather. Here is a melt and pour soap project that looks like the real thing - Peachy Ice Cream Soap Pops. If you make soap to sell this would be a great seller.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Soaping with Allergies: Nuts, Gluten & More
One of the benefits of making your own bath and body products is having complete control the ingredients you put in them. If you have sensitive or an allergy to particular ingredients, creating your products from scratch allows your to fully customize your products to your personal preferences. If you or someone you know suffers from severe allergies to products such as nuts or gluten, creating your own products can be very appealing. Would you believe that tree nut allergies are one of the most common allergens in both adults and children? Is is. And according to The Soap Queen, tree includes (but are not limited to) walnuts, almonds, hazel nuts, cashews, pistachios and Brazilian nuts. Peanuts are also a common nut allergy event though they are technically considered a legume. People who are allergic to tree nuts are more likely to be allergic to other types of nuts and should avoid all of them. If you would like more information, you can read the recent post by The Soap Queen called Soaping with Allergies: Nuts, Gluten & More.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Fresh Pumpkin & Pomegranate Facial Masque
Now that fall is here, what a great way to celebrate is making your facial masks with fresh pumpkin. Here is an easy recipe from The Natural Beauty Workshop called Fresh Pumpkin & Pomegranate Facial Masque.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Coloring Your Cold Process Soap
I would consider myself a beginner cold process soap maker. I wanted to try a batch with a peppermint/vanilla scent to it. With vanilla essential oil being so cost prohibitive and fragrance oil can make your batch turn brown. So I was recommended by someone to use the Jack Frost fragrance oil from Nature's Garden, it will discolor. So I am on the hunt for titanium dioxide to make sure that when I swirl, that the white part stays as white as can be. This is the confusing part. There are three types of Titanium Dioxide - Water, Oil and Methicone. Not sure which one I should use for cold process soap. But I digress. In my search I found this post from Great Cakes Soapworks on Coloring Your Cold Process Soap. So I found out how much I need to use but not exactly which one to use. My search continues.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
How to Create Homemade Lotion Recipes
Are you interested in making your own handmade lotions but find it imitating? Well, if you never made your own lotion before it is recommended for you to try making a tried-and-true recipe so that you can get the feel of the process. Once you have made a couple of batches, you will find it rather easy to create your own. It can be tricky to know how much water,oils and emulsifiers are needed to create a stable product. The great thing about making your own lotion is that you can customize your lotion to the texture you like and know what is exactly going into your product. Want to learn more? Then read this post from The Soap Queen called How to Create Homemade Lotion Recipes.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Free Ebook from Mountain Rose Herb
Mountain Rose Herb has shared a lot of great recipes on their blog. They have had many requests to create an ebook of their best recipes. They are excited to offer a collection of recipes covering natural body care, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, homemade cleaning formula and healthy snacks. You will find so many wonderful inspirations for creating herbal gifts and easy tips for natural healing. What is great about this ebook that that is free! Interested then check out the posting and receive your Free Ebook from Mountain Rose Herb.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Spiced Copper Cold Process Soap Tutorial
You know the saying. "Less is More", well it applies to this cold process soap project. This Spiced Copper Cold Process Soap from the Soap Queen features layers of uncolored soap separated by lines of sparkled mica and using a fragrance oil that does not discolor in cold process soap. It is important to use a non-discoloring fragrance oil is crucial for the mica lines to stand out. The technique of creating in lines in cold process soap using powder colorants is know as mica line or mica vein. The key to this technique is creating thin and event of colorant. If you make the lines too think, the layers of soap can separate. So if you want to try something different, then check this tutorial out.
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