Saturday, August 31, 2013
How to Choose the Right Craft Show
Whether you are just starting your business or you have been in it for awhile, selecting the right craft show to sell your product can be overwhelming. Erica from Bath Body Supply has written a post on How to Choose the Right Craft Show gives you things to consider when making your selection.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Spoon Swirl Soaps

Erica of Bath Alchemy has posted a tutorial on making a swirl soap. Well guess what? If you loved her first tutorial she is sharing another simple Spoon Swirl Soap project that you can make. This technique looks like something out of the sixties, maybe its the colors. But you can select any colors to your liking.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Gingerbread Sugar Scrub
Even though August is coming to an end and soon Fall will be here. I love the aroma of gingerbread cookies baking in the oven, especially around the Christmas holidays. If you love to use a sugar scrub, here is a recipe from The Natural Beauty Workshop called Gingerbread Sugar Scrub that would be perfect for you to make. It would be a great gift to make around the holidays.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
How to make a Beautiful Soap Gift!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Troubleshooting Cold Process Soap Problems
If you make cold process soap and you have encountered problems such as cracking, mushrooming, a layer of oil or other problems you may want to check out Lovin' Soap's blog Learn How to Make Soap posting on Soap making Troubleshooting. There is a lot of good information that could help you with any problem you may have.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Orange Cream Cupcake Soap
Earlier this month, I learned how to make cupcake soap by the cold process method at The Nova Studio, which was a very easy process. And I have seen a melt and pour kit at Michaels which someone in the cold process class said the frosting just went flat. But I found this melt and pour recipe on how to make Orange Cream Cupcake Soap from Natures Garden Candles. I wonder if it is adding the glycerin to the soap base that keeps the frosting lofty. May have to give it a try sometime.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Neapolitan Ice Cream Emulsified Sugar Scrub Recipe
As a child was your favorite ice cream was a Neapolitan? And do you love to use sugar scrubs? Well, here is a sugar scrub recipe that combines the too. This Neapolitan Ice Cream Emulsified Sugar Scrub from Natures Garden Candles is a naturally colored scrub that actually looks like real ice cream. When you make this recipe step by step you get seven luscious 4 oz jars.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Understanding & Indentifying Herbal Actions
If you just getting into herbs and using them into your own products and having issues, you may want to read this posting Understanding & Intentifying Herbal Actions from The Mountain Rose Blog. According to the article, herbalism is a healing art that has some nuances as diverse as the unique relationships with form with the plants around us. If you are a new journey learning about using herbs, the article has a helpful list of basic herbal actions categories with example of uses and herbs. The author says that you might find that some of the definitions are a bit different from one herbalist to herbalist, but what is listed is a simplified guide and a great place to start.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Recipes That Don't Total to 100% and Using Emulsifiers
Did you find a lotion or facial moisturizer recipe that did not add up to 100% and you did not know what to do? Here is a blog posting on Point of Interest called Recipes That Don't Total to 100% and Using Emulisfiers gives you some pointers on how to adjust things when using a emulisifer. So if you are having a problem then I would suggest reading this article.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Even Layering Soap Tutorial
Have you started making layers in your cold process soaps, but you are not having too much luck getting them even? Well, Inner Earth Soaps did a guest post on the Great Cake Soapworks blog called Inner Earths Event Layering Soap Tutorial. Erin provides really nice pictures with her instructions on how to achieve the perfect layers.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Orange Dreamsickle Bath Bomb Recipe
I remember as a child my mother purchasing dreamsickles from the grocery store. If dreamsickles bring back memories of your childhood and love using bath bombs, then you just may love this recipe for a Orange Dreamsickle Bath Bomb from Natures Garden Candles.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Perfect Party Favors: A Melt & Pour Tutorial
Aren't these cute? They are melt and pour soap favors that you can simply make for your next party. This Perfect Party Favors: A Melt and Pour Tutorial soaps are lips and mustaches, but if you find a cookie cutter in a shape that is perfect for the theme of your party then go for that.
Party Favors,
Party Ideas,
Projects: melt and pour
Monday, August 19, 2013
Leopard Spots CP Tutorial
Leopard print is hot in fashion. If you want to show your spots you can create them in a bar of soap. In this Leopard Spot CP Tutorial from The Soap Queen shows you how to make your favorite print and bring to a bar of soap.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Grapefruit Castile Fruit & Veggie Wash
If you are looking for something to wash your fruits and veggies with then you should check out this recipe for Grapefruit Castile Fruit and Veggie Wash from The Natural Beauty Workshop. I have never used a fruit and wash before but this looks like an easy recipe to make and use.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Soul Scentsibility Vegan Lip Butters
I have seen recipes for lip balm and lip butters, but I really did not know the difference between the two. I guess that there may be no scientific difference. But seeing this post for Soul Scentsibility Vegan Lip Butter discussing that lip butters that butter balms are high in "butter oils" and are softer than regular lip balms. The author posts a recipe from another source that suggests using beeswax. Do not confuse this recipe as being vegan because vegans do not use animal projects. So if you want it to be truly vegan then use another wax such as candelilla as alternative.
Friday, August 16, 2013
A Guide to Weight vs. Volume
A recurring question from crafters who make soap, lotions and other products grapple with the question of using weight vs volume for making the perfect product. If you have wondered what would be the best answer for that question would be to check out The Soap Queen's recent blog post titled A Guide To Weight vs Volume. Because using either one for a recipe can make alot of difference in how your recipe turns out.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Secret Store Scent Recipes You Can Make at Home
In a recent posting on Yahoo! blog, there was an article titled Secret Store Scent Recipes You Can Make at Home. In this posting, which includes a video, shows you how to make your home smell amazing with a few recipes and secrets on how to deconstruct some of the most famous store scents. The recipes are really simple and can be made for really inexpensively plus they are alot better for your health. So take a look at the recipes and see if you would like to recreate them for your own home.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The Menopausal Journey
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Creating Soap Swirls with Mica & Glycerin
Here is a really cool cold process technique I saw from a blog that I follow. It is from a guest tutorial on Creating Soap Swirls with Mica and Glycerin which appears on the blog The Soap Bar. According to Michelle Rhodes of Mossy Creek Soap, creating swirled soap tops are not all that hard but it does require practice. With this method you need to keep in mind the consistency of your newly poured soap. Some techniques require your soap base to be thick enough to be able to fluff up the soap base and remain stiff but not too stiff you cannot manipulate it. This soap on the other hand requires it to be softer so the swirls you are creating will flow. So if you find this technique cool then check out this tutorial.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Herbal Infusions
If you love making your own infusions, you should check out this posting on the Mountain Rose Blog called Making Medicine Basics - Herbal Infusions. This posting includes recipes for Hot Infusions, Cold Infusions, Decoctions, and Herbal Syrup.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
How Much Soap or Products Should You Bring to a Craft Show or Market
Earlier this month, I went to the Fremont Festival of the Arts. At this particular arts and wine festival there were about five different vendors selling soap from cold process to melt and pour. I have never thought of selling my soaps at a festival but many have and probably wonder what would be the correct amount to sell at a show. Well, there is no definite amount of product you should bring to a show. But what would be the best way to determine that? I would not know that but I found a posting by Erica of Bath Alchemy titled How Much Soap or Products You Should Bring to a Craft Show or Market.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Herbal Shampoo Recipe

Friday, August 9, 2013
How to Make a Long-lasting Bar of Soap
If you are new to making soap by the cold process method and you are having a problem of soap that lasts a long time and doesn't melt away in the shower. All the effort, work and ingredients put into making a batch of soap, only to have it melt away after just a few washes! Well, here is a posting from Inner Soaps called How to Make a Long Lasting Bar of Soap that should help you on what you determine what you can do to solve this problem.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Aloe butter and preservatives, preserving fresh face masks, and heating evening primrose oil
If you are wondering if you need a preservative with Aloe Vera Butter and Fresh Face Masks, you should read Point of Interest's article titled Aloe butter and preservatives, preserving fresh face masks, and heating evening primrose oil. This post gives you the scoop on that subject matter including heating evening primrose oils.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Natural Exfolaints
Bath Alchemy recent wrote about Natural Exfolaints on their site. What is an exfoliant? It is an additive that adds texture and removes dead skin cells making your skin brighter, smoother and healthier. Exfoliants come in may different forms and range from very gentle facial products to rough requiring the ability to really scrub. Check the list on where each exfoliants lies so you know which way to use it best.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Spoon Swirl Lavender Cold Process Soap Tutorial
I had never heard of doing a swirl technique by spoon until I saw this Spoon Swirl Lavender Soap by Erica of Bath Body Supply. This cold process technique appears on Erica's blog called Bath Alchemy. According to Erica, spoon swirling is a very simple technique that make a big impact. What is really great about this technique is that Erica made this especially for her beginning readers. So if you are new to cold process soap and you want to go to the next level, then you should try to this technique.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Homemade Melt and Pour Chapstick
Would you believe making your homemade lip balm is very easy to make that you can make it in your very own kitchen? Believe or not it is. Just take a look at this Homemade Melt and Pour Chapstick tutorial from Gluesticks. I just takes a few ingredients which some can be purchased at your local grocery store. If you have never made your own lip balm before I must inform you about something. One of the ingredient calls for 20-24 drops of essential oils or scents. When I saw the word scents, fragrance oils came to mind. You do not want to use fragrance oils on your lips. You can use candy flavorings but please do not think that you can use extracts in the baking aisle of your local grocery store. The reason why is they have alcohol which will evaporate over time.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Elemental Swirl
When The Soap Queen heard of Amy of Soapworks announced her Element Swirl Soap Challenged, she could not wait to jump on board. Her Element Swirl utilizes several soap making skills including two in-the-pot-swirls, a mica vein and a psychedelic top swirl. All of these techniques combined to create a textured-looking soap with one-of-a-kind ruptured, uneven layers. Looks pretty cool, don't you think? You too can make this soap too. It is an advanced project so for those new to cold process soap making should practice your soap making skills before you try this alone.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Summer Soother Rice Milk & Chamomile CP Soap Recipe
Here is a recipe that contains no palm oil, chamomile and uses rice milk as ingredient sin this cold process soap recipe from Wholesale Supplies Plus. The recipe s called Summer Soother Rice Milk & Chamomile Soap. This recipes makes 40 ounces of soap.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Bronzing Lotion Bars - DIY
I follow this guy named Roger Howard on Facebook. And he often posts some interesting recipes. Here is one for Bronzing Lotion Bars.
To start: Place 2 cups of coconut oil in a small saucepan or double boiler. Add 1 cup of very finely ground coffee (the finer the better). Simmer on low heat, stirring often, for several hours until the oil takes on a dark color. Strain through cheesecloth or old t-shirt and let cool. Use this for the coconut oil in the recipe below.
1/2 cup coffee-infused coconut oil
1/3 cup beeswax
2 tablespoons (or more) of Zinc Oxide - optional
15+ drops essential oil (not citrus) – optional
dark mineral makeup for extra bronzing-optional- to color (start with about 1/2 tsp)
How to Make:
Combine all ingredients except essential oil in a quart size glass mason jar and carefully place this jar in a small saucepan of water on the stove.
Turn the burner on and bring water to a low simmer. Stir ingredients constantly until they are melted and smooth.
Add essential oils and stir until mixed.
Carefully pour into molds or whatever you will be allowing the lotion bars to harden in. I used these silicon flower molds, though any mold would work.
Allow the lotion bars to cool completely before attempting to pop out of molds. These could be made in different shaped molds or made in a square baking pan and then cut into actual bars.
To start: Place 2 cups of coconut oil in a small saucepan or double boiler. Add 1 cup of very finely ground coffee (the finer the better). Simmer on low heat, stirring often, for several hours until the oil takes on a dark color. Strain through cheesecloth or old t-shirt and let cool. Use this for the coconut oil in the recipe below.
1/2 cup coffee-infused coconut oil
1/3 cup beeswax
2 tablespoons (or more) of Zinc Oxide - optional
15+ drops essential oil (not citrus) – optional
dark mineral makeup for extra bronzing-optional- to color (start with about 1/2 tsp)
How to Make:
Combine all ingredients except essential oil in a quart size glass mason jar and carefully place this jar in a small saucepan of water on the stove.
Turn the burner on and bring water to a low simmer. Stir ingredients constantly until they are melted and smooth.
Add essential oils and stir until mixed.
Carefully pour into molds or whatever you will be allowing the lotion bars to harden in. I used these silicon flower molds, though any mold would work.
Allow the lotion bars to cool completely before attempting to pop out of molds. These could be made in different shaped molds or made in a square baking pan and then cut into actual bars.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Fire and Ice Candles - Ice Candle Tutorial
It is has been a long time since I posted a candle making tutorial. But when I saw this picture of an ice candle on Bath Alchemy, I wanted to share. Te me it almost looks like a rose. What do you think? Anyway if you want to make an ice candle then check out this tutorial for Fire and Ice Candles - Ice Candle from Erica at Bath Alchemy.
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