Sunday, July 24, 2011

Buttery Bath Melts from Wholesale Supplies Plus

Sue in customer service of Wholesale Supplies Plus developed this formula for Buttery Bath Melts. This is a very simple recipe and would be a great gift to make. You probably can find some really decorative packaging you can find in your local craft store. I know Michaels sells mason jars and I even think they may have these bail jars for sale.

You will need the following ingredients to make these Bath Melts: Refined Cocoa Butter (melted), Baking Soda, Citric Acid,Crafter's Choice Pink Sugar Fragrance Oil, Crafter's Choice Citrus Splash Fragrance Oil, Crafter's Choice Liquid Lake Yellow 8, Crafter's Choice Liquid Lake Red 28 and a Square Tray Silicone Mold. All of these ingredients can be purchased through Wholesale Supplies Plus. If you have refined cocoa butter, baking soda and citric acid from another vendor than that is ok. If you have another favorite fragrance you want to use instead of the suggested in this recipe then go for it. I have never used liquid lake colorants before, I have used the liquid soap dyes that you can find at Michaels for most of my bath and body products. So I do not know how well these work but you can select any color to your liking.

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