Saturday, August 2, 2008

Multi-Layered Soap Instructions

(Submitted by Soap Wizards


• Clear soap base
• Soap making fragrance(s) of your choice
• Soap mold of your choice
• Glycerin soap colorant
• Soap lock (Bubble Buster or Rubbing Alcohol) in a misting bottle


1. Divide your clear soap base according to how many layers you would like in your finished soap.

2. Melt your divided soap. Add your soap colorant until the desired color is reached, then add your choice of fragrance for that color.

3. Repeat step 2 until all of your soap base is colored and scented. Don't worry if your soap begins to harden while you are preparing the rest of your soap, you can always re-melt it on demand.

4. Pour your first colored and scented layer and lightly spray some soap lock to remove any bubbles that may have formed. Let that layer cool. Spray more soap lock on the hardened layer. (this will keep your layers from seperating when the soap is un-molded.)

5. Repeat step 4 until you have filled your soap mold. Allow the soap you are going to use for your next layer to cool slightly before pouring. (remember to spray soap lock on each cooled layer)

6. Un-mold your soap and it's ready to use.


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