Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rebatched Soap Recipe from HGTV

Marbleized Soap
Project designed by Dr. Robert McDaniel.


covered microwave-safe casserole dish
1-1/2 pounds of grated rebatchable soap
whisk or mixing forksoap mold, flexible plastic, individual bar shapes used
soap colorants (powders or color tabs)
fragrance (essential oils or fragrance oils )
milk, room temperature (cow or goats milk), up to 1 cup
rubber spatula
shallow bowl containing hot water


1.Place the soap into a small casserole dish and add 1/4 cup milk. To produce a uniform color, add the colorant to the dish, then cover and heat in the microwave on high for 60 seconds.

2. Repeat the 60-second heating cycle until the soap begins to soften and melt then use the whisk to blend the milk, colorant and soap.

3. Heat for an additional 60 seconds, stir, and add one or two additional tablespoons of milk if the soap is lumpy or too thick to mix uniformly. Repeat the heat and stirring cycle until a uniform pasty consistency is achieved.

4. Add one tablespoon of scent and stir briefly.

5. Transfer the soap paste with the spatula into the clean plastic molds and allow to cool overnight or place in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes.

6. Remove the mold from the freezer and place it into a shallow bowl of hot water for about 10 seconds, then turn the mold upside down and push on the mold to remove the soap.

7. Allow the soap to age and harden for one to two weeks prior to use.

To view photographs of this project go to:,1801,HGTV_3144_1377733,00.html


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