Saturday, December 1, 2007

Tye-Dye Soap

(Submitted to Soap Wizards


• Clear soap base
• Soap making fragrance of your choice
• Soap mold of your choice
• Red glycerin soap colorant
• Blue glycerin soap colorant
• Yellow glycerin soap colorant
• Eye dropper


1. Melt your soap base and add your choice of fragrance.

2. Let the melted soap cool slightly, and pour into your soap mold.

3. Once a light skin forms on your soap, take your eye dropper (with one of the soap colorants in it) and place a few drops on the soap skin. Repeat this procedure for the rest of the colors.

4. Take a toothpick and lightly stir the colors into the molded soap and let cool.

5. Un-mold and your soap is ready to use!

If you are looking for other recipes, check out some of the links in the side bar or check in my archive. There are alot of recipes in both places. I am always looking for new recipes to post on my blog, so please return in the future.

Source: http:///

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