Monday, March 5, 2007

Scented Rock Potpourri Recipe


1/2 cup plain flour
1/2 cup salt
1/4 tsp. essential oil
2/3 cups boiling water
Food coloring, if desired
Glitter or other "mix in's" as desired


In bowl, mix all dry ingredients well. Add your favorite essential oil and boiling water to dry ingredients. (The scent will be strong, but will fadeslightly when your rocks dry.) For colored stones,blend in food coloring, one drop at a time, untildesired shade is reached. Blend ingredients and formroughly shaped stones. Allow stones to dry.Place scent stones in a bowl or dish to scent a room,or try in the ashtray of your vehicle.

Homemade spa treatments, beauty treatments, cosmeticsand more, courtesy of Guide to Day Spasand Stay Spas. The web's most comprehensive resourcefor Spa Enthusiasts.

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