Monday, March 5, 2007

Essential Oil Safety Guidelines

Since essential oils are completely natural it is important to be aware that they are highly concentrated compared to fragrance oils. With this in mind they need to be used correctly and in a safe manner. Here are some guidelines on how to use essentials oils in particular situtations. It is should be noted that you should consult your medical practioner if you happen to have any physical or psychological symptoms as essential oils are not a replacement for professional medical treatment.

No to Oral Use

The most important guideline you can follow is simply do not take essential oils by mouth. As stated before essential oils are highly concencrated substances and if ingested, especially in large amounts, they cause internal damage. If oils have been swallowed, seek medically help immediately.


It is recommended that if you are pregnant, lactating or breastfeeding, it is very important that not to swallow any essential oils. Any oils that you use on yourself or anyone who may be pregnant should be in very weak dilutions. You are best advised to use flower and fruit oils only because they are very gentle. The best advise is to consult a qualified aromatherapist for their advise.

Skin Safety

Before you apply any essential oils to your skin, you should dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil, such as grapeseed or sweet almond oil because they are so concentrated. If you have any allergic reactions to almond oil, you may want to use grapeseed instead.

Phototoxic Oil

Essential oils extracted from citrus fruits-bergmont, grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime, and mandarin-contain an ingredient that cause skin reaction in sunlight. If you masssage a blend that happens to contain a citrus oil into your skin, you should avoid direct exposure to strong UV light or a sunbed for 12 hours after application. This caution does not apply to inhaltions or varporations with this oils.

High Blood Pressure

Rosemary essential oil is very stimulating and should be avoided if you have high blood pressure. Calming oils like lavender or ylang-ylang are preferred for their soothing effects.

Epilesy and Asthma

Like with high blood pressure, people with epilsey and asthma should avoid rosemary essential oils. It can slightly increase the frequency of epilectic seizures, so it should be avoided with epilesy. Calming oils like sandlewood, neroli, or orange are more appropiate. It is important to never attempt to apply oils during a seizure. If you have asthma, it is advisable not to inhale essential oils. Only use essential oils during bathing, vaporation, and massage applications.

Babies and Children

Using the correct dosage of correct amount of essential oils on babies and children is crucial on their delicate skin. For babies up to 2 years old - one drop of roman chamomile or rose otto or lavender in a 4 teaspoon of sweet almond carrier oil for general skin care or a massage. Children from 2 to 10 years of age - any blends that are created for an adult should the drops of essential oils should be cut in half. If there are and odd number of drops is given then reduce the number to just under half (i.e. 3 drops to 1 or 5 to 2). As for elderly skin where it can be delicate and very transparent, you should use half of the amount of drops stated.

Source: The Guide To Remedies, Homeopathy, Essential Oils, Crystal and Home Remedies. Published by Barnes and Noble by arrangement by Paragon Publishing, 2004. Pages 78-79.

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