If you are a melt and pour soapmaker and you are having troubles with your 3 D silcone molds, you may want to check out this article written by Debbie Chiltas (aka SoapyLove) on
Using Silicone Molds with M&P Part 1 which appears on The Soap Queen's blog
Soap and the Finer Things in Life. It shows you step by step on how to create a bar of soap with a 3D mold. I really like the purse shaped soap that comes out of the mold. If you are interested
Part 2 Tricks and Tips goes into coloring, using different soap bases and putting surprises in your creations.
Thank you for sharing these tutorials! I love using silicone molds and hope this will encourage more people to try them.
I noticed the link to "part 2" wasn't working, so here's the link for those that want to check it out:
Thanks again!
Thanks Debbie for lettings us know about part 2!
A fantastic read….very literate and informative. Many thanks
Silicone molds
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