Here is an interesting
Body Cream Recipe from
Duffins Oriental Beauty Blog. I found in this particular body cream recipe had alot of ingredients. Well alot more than I have used in my cream recipes. Some of the ingredients for this recipe include Yogurt Extract, Oat Beta Glucan Extract, Isopropyl Myristate, Allantoin, Cremophor A6, Cremophor A25 and Preservative (Unigerm G2). Some of these ingredients are really foregin to me. For example, Crempher. Never heard of it. To be honest I have never heard of the perservative Unigerm G2 either. I have have always used germal because it is paraben free.
Since there are alot more ingredients in this body cream recipe than I am use to, I am not sure if it is more complicated procedure or if these ingredeints are really more beneficial to the actual end product. But just seeing the Isopropyl and Cethyl Alcohols, I am wondering if these ingredients would be more drying to the skin. Plus if you are concerned that these ingredients may or may not be as good to be absorbed into the skin. It is all up to you to decide....
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