Sunday, January 29, 2017

Himalayan Pink Salt Milk Bath

A few months back, I found a recipe for a Pink Himalayan Hot Process Soap recipe in an issue of Willow and Sage.  I have not tried it yet, but I am intimated to try it.  I am building my confidence to try it sometime in the future.  But in the meantime,, I found this Himalayan Pink Salt Milk Bath recipe from The Natural Beauty Workshop that is really to make. What attracted me to this recipe is that the pink salt brings a pretty color to bath products.  What is great is that it can be used to speckle bath bombs, color body scrubs or to make a layered milk bath more spectacular..  It has a gorgeous mottle array of warm pinks and red from the natural mineral content.  According to The Natural Beauty Workshop, it is packed with more than eighty beneficial trace minerals like Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron and Copper.  When added to bath formulations, it is believed to help encourage, balance skin and event soothe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

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