Saturday, September 5, 2015

Minty Mocha Mantra Marble Cold Process Soap

When I saw this guest post on The Soap Queen's site called Minty Mocha Mantra Marble Cold Process Soap, it immediately made think of a Junior Mint.  I really think this is a cool looking bar of soap. This recipe uses a product called Swirl Quick Mix Recipe.  According to the Brambleberry website that is produces a recipe that gives you plenty of time to swirl or do intricate designs. Mission Peak Soap in Fremont sells Soap Quick which ha some of the same ingredients (Coconut, Palm) so I do not know if you use it and instead of Brambleberry product if it would make any difference.  I never tried the Swirl Quick Mix before, but I have used Mission Peak's Soap Quick for a swirl in the pot technique and it came out great.

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