Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lotion Melt and Pour Cubes

The Soap Queen has been posting a lot of great ideas in her 12 Days of Christmas series.  This recent posting for Lotion Melt and Pour Cubes is a really interesting one.  The project takes melt and pour soap and incorporates a Aloe Lotion base.  But as The Soap Queen says that adding oils and butters to melt and pour bases can be tricky.  Extra oils can cause the base not to set up correctly or inhibit lather.  But guess what?  She has found a way to add Aloe Lotion Base to the Shea Melt and Pour bases to create a creamy, firm bar,  There is an very important step in the process, that I am not going to reveal. You will just have to find out by reading the instructions.  You cannot forget the step or the lotion and the base may just separate.

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