Friday, August 8, 2014

A Review of Rancidity and Anti-oxidants

Do the words rancidity and anti-oxidants make your head spin?  Well in a recent post from Point of Interest called A Review of Rancidity and Anti-oxidents goes into depth on both of this subjects.  The section covering rancidity answers the questions What is rancidity?; How does rancidity differ from contamination and lastly How can we avoid rancidity? Now there is some confusion on what are anti-oxidants. In the anti-oxidants, the author covers What can we use as an anti-oxidant?  and Anti-oxidants are not preservatives. In addition there are some links on more articles about rancidity and anti-oxidants.  After you read the articles and absorb the information,  you will be armed with all the knowledge you need on this subject.

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