Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Defying the Rules of Soapmaking: 100% Coconut Oil Soap with Aloe Vera and a Mantra Swirl

Did you know that there are some rules of soap making that get spread around like wildfire and most of them are true!  But unfortunately there are some that are not. For example, when making 100% coconut oils soap defies three of the soapmaking rules and one of them is the fact that  single oil soaps do not perform as well as syngerstic formulas with multiple oils.  In a recent post  on the Soap Queen's site called Defying the Rules of Soapmaking:  100% Coconut Oil Soap with Aloe Vera by Kenna of Amathia Soapworks talks about some of the rules and gives a recipe that defies the rules.  So check out this wonderful recipe.  It is a great one because it does not contain any palm oil if you are concerned about that issue.

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