Sunday, September 1, 2013

Bramble Business Series: How to set up an Etsy Shop

Have you ever thought about setting up an Etsy shop to sell your soap or other body products? You do not know where to start?  Well, good news, I follow the Soap Queen's blog and recently they posted an entry on the very subject.  In the post entitled, Bramble Business Series:  How to Set Up an Etsy Shop tells you how to do so.  It provides some really great and easy follow information that can help you get started.  What is really great is that Anne Marie will have follow-up posts to her Bramble Business Series. So stay tuned and I will share them with you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for featuring that blog post! I think it is so important that people know how to set up their own business and I want to do whatever I can to help them. =)
