Monday, September 30, 2013

Balneotherapy - Essential Oil Blend Recipes

If you love soaking in the bath tub, and would love to use essential oil blends to assist with relaxation, etc.Did you know this was called Balneotherapy (aka Hydrotherapy)?  It involves the use of water in any form or at any temperature (steam, liquid. ice) for the purpose of healing.  According to the author, water has been used for thousands of years by many cultures, including ancient China, Japan, India, Rome, Greece, the Americas and the the Middle East. Well, I learned something new today - a new word.  In the article Balnetherapy - Essential Oil Blend Recipes on the Sapphire Blue website has a long list of essential oil recipes that can be used in the bath.  This list includes a variety of different recipes from soothing and relaxing to anti-depression.  So you should find one that suits your needs.

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