Monday, August 5, 2013

Homemade Melt and Pour Chapstick

Would you believe making your homemade lip balm is very easy to make that you can make it in your very own kitchen? Believe or not it is. Just take a look at this Homemade Melt and Pour Chapstick tutorial from Gluesticks.  I just takes a few ingredients which some can be purchased at your local grocery store.  If you have never made your own lip balm before I must inform you about something.  One of the ingredient calls for 20-24 drops of essential oils or scents. When I saw the word scents, fragrance oils came to mind.  You do not want to use fragrance oils on your lips.  You can use candy flavorings but please do not think that you can use extracts in the baking aisle of your local grocery store.  The reason why is they have alcohol which will evaporate over time.

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