Saturday, January 26, 2013

Red Raspberry Facial Mask

This fresh Red Raspberry Facial Mask recipe from The Natural Beauty Workshop is great for combination skin.  The Organic Honey Powder acts as an antiseptic to help fight acne and oily patches while Organic Red Raspberry Oil, which is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids, nourishes the skin.  Gentle Pink Kaolin Clay provides deep cleansing action without over-drying.  Our main wetting agent in this mask is Neroli Hydrosol, a gentle, but effective astringent with a sweet fruity and floral aroma.  This recipe makes about a third of a cup (or about 3 ounces) of mask.  You can share with a friend or two when you make this up or you can store the remaining mask, sealed tightly in your refrigerator for 3 - 5 days.  As with all natural formulations, the mask will run the risk of becoming contaminated or going rancid  prematurely without a preservative added.  Discard your mask if it changes color, odor or if appears “off” in any other way.

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