Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Egg Oil & Amla Hair Serum

Have you ever tried a hair serum?  According to The Natural Beauty Workshop, Hair Serums can be used just like hair oils. These intensive ingredients contain potent antioxidants, strong moisturizers, and fortifying components, making them like a super-vitamin for your locks. Apply just a few drops to damp hair after washing to use it as a leave-in conditioner, or try applying just a tiny dab to the ends of your hair before bed. Depending on how thirsty your hair is, you can use this serum as a special treatment now and then, or as an everyday leave-in conditioner. Here is a recipe from The Natural Beauty Workshop that you may want to try - Egg Oil and Amla Hair Serum.  For those who are allergic to eggs like I am, I would not even attempt to make this for the fear that I may have a reaction.

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