Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dipped Bath Bon Bons

If you love to take baths, I found this interesting recipe for Dipped Bath Bon Bons from The Country Bath. This recipe calls for scotish oats.  I have never heard of this type of oat before.  Does anyone know and can explain it?  Plus where would one get scothish oats?  If one cannot find this type of oats,  would regular oats work?


  1. Scottish oats are a stone ground oatmeal, kinda whole grain. Bob's Red Mill has some, but I'm sure you can just ground up some Steel Cut oatmeal as a replacement.

  2. Scottish oats are the same as Steel Cut oats or as my Mother called them when I was little pin oats. They are in the section with regular oats usually on an upper shelf sometimes in a can, bag or box. I have not used them in soap but we do eat them as oatmeal and goetta (a breakfast sausage made with them). hope you find them.
