Friday, September 28, 2012

Late Summer Perfume Recipe

In a recent entry on The Mountain Rose Blog included a lot of great recipes including this one for Late Summer Perfume. The author recommends dabbing this luscious blend onto pulse points after bathing. It has a wonderful aroma of flowers, citrus, and summertime sweetness that isespecially useful during times of stress, anxiety, irritability, or depression.
  • 20 drops citrus essential oil of choice or a blend of Sweet Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, and/or Tangerine
  • 8 drops organic Lavender Essential Oil
  • 5 drops organic Cinnamon leaf Essential Oil
  • 4 drops organic Cedarwood Essential Oil
  • 3 drops organic Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
  • 1 tsp organic Jojoba Oil
Drip all essential oils into a glass bottle and roll between palms to evenly mix the oils. Add Jojoba oil and roll again. Add additional essential oils if you desire a stronger perfume.

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