Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sweet Orange Lip Balm

Even though summer is quickly approaching this Sweet Orange Lip Balm Recipe from Wholesale Supplies Plus is great for anytime of the year. The illipe butter and sweet almond oil will moisturize and leave your lips soft and smooth. Never heard of illipe butter?  Well according to Mountain Rose Herbs, Illipe Butter comes from a truly magnificent tree that is native to Southeast Asia and Borneo. It flowers in October through January, when the nuts are collected after they fall to the ground, but not before. The seeds are collected from the ground and dried in the sun until they are brittle enough to be separated from the shells. The indigenous peoples of Borneo have been making a “butter” from the Illipe nuts for many centuries for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. It is quite similar to cocoa butter in its triglyceride composition. Because it has a higher melting point than cocoa butter it makes it ideal for soaps, and it is an excellent base for a great many body care products, including those used for the skin, sun protection, creams, soaps, lip sticks, balms, make-up foundations, and hair conditioners.  And it is known for its moisturizing properties and its ability to restore elasticity to the skin.

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