Monday, May 21, 2012

DIY Herbal Salves from Mountain Rose

What is a salve?  According to Moutain Rose, salves are such a simple, effective, and useful medicine! They can easily be slipped into a purse, pocket, or first aid kit.  Although semi-solid at room temperature, salves soften once applied to the skin, making them less messy to apply than oils.  They also make great gifts and are an easy and approachable way to introduce newbies to the medicinal properties of herbs.  Plus, salves can be crafted for a wide variety of topical uses including: arthritis, bruises, cuts, rashes, inflammation, insect bites and stings, sores, sprains, strains, wounds, and other skin irritations and conditions.  The addition of beeswax offers additional benefits including protective, soothing, emollient, nourishing, and healing properties. 

In an article titled DIY Herbal Salves which appears on the Mountain Rose Blog says the first thing you need to make is an infused herbal oil.  Making an infused herbal oil can take awhile but once the oil is infused then making the salve only takes minutes.  You have the choice infusing your oil by the solar or stove top method.  The artice gives you instructions on how to do both, plus there is information on what herbs to select for the salve recipe.  It seems to be very easy to make, so I encourage you to try making your own. If you have made your own salve in the past, do you have a favorite recipe to share?

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