Friday, April 27, 2012

Pre-Shampoo Conditioner Recipe

Do you have dry hair and the only thing that you have found on the market was using messy hot oil treatments?  IF you are looking for something to take your tresses and prefer something with a little more body that won't drip all over the place, but still gets the job done. This 
Pre-Shampoo Conditioner Recipe   ,which appears on the DIY Skincare blog, is thick enough to stay put without making your hair greasy.


  1. Hello Lori Stoia, i am amazed wih your homemade shampo its really cool and awesome, do you have some skincare tips also which can include home made moisturizers and lotions.

  2. What kind of tips are you looking for? Too tell you the truth, I am not trained professionally on skincare but I have taken classes on how to make bath and body products. I can throw your question out there to see if there is anyone can help you.
