Friday, April 13, 2012

Free Ebook Offer from The Mountain Rose Blog

Calling all crafters!  Have you ever thought of selling your handcrafted times online, but you did not know where to start?  Well, I may have something to help you get started. The Mountain Rose Blog recently posted this offering of a free ebook from Poppy Swap entitled For the Herbalist in Business: How to Successfully Sell Online. This free ebook covers business savvy from online marketing, to product pricing, GMP compliance, business licensing, photography, and beyond. Yep, this e-book of wisdom is their gift to you and it’s totally free!. 

This free e-book was created by Kiki, the founder of Poppy Swap, and Kristie Nackord of Spirit Horse Herbals. It’s the first edition of something that will become an ever-evolving guide to getting your business up and running on the internet. The goal is to provide the know-how AND the technology to make creative herbal dreams come true but if you are not a herbalist then there is still some good information that would apply to your handcrafted speciality.  Even though I am not currently selling online, I maybe in the future.  So I went ahead and downloaded my copy already.  And I recommend you should too!

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