Thursday, November 24, 2011

Soothing Salve Recipe

What is a salve? According to Alison Kontur of Bath Body Supply says s salve is an oily, adhesive substance for application as a skin barrier. Salves are her preferred topical treatment when the weather gets cold and skin has a tendency to be drier and more receptive to oil-based products. Now I wonder what the difference between a salve and a body balm is? Does anyone out there know? At any rate if you would like to make Alison's Soothing Salve recipe check out her blog DIY Skincare.


  1. Perfect timing as I make a salve now with beeswax but want a vegan version since the majority of my products are vegan. I was going to start experimenting using a vegan wax so this will be a great place to start. I thought a body balm and a salve were the same thing but maybe a balm is more of a drier firmer consistency with the addition of cocoa butter versus a salve which is softer in consistency.


  2. Michelle,

    Candelillia wax is another good sub for beeswax. I cannot remember how much more or less you have to use. I have the info from a class that I once took.

    Hope this recipe works out well for you.


  3. Balms are, by definition, aromatic preparations for the skin, made from resins and oils. Balm is also a Mediterranean aromatic evergreen in the mint family, used in teas and aromatic preparations for the skin. This is the source of the word balm meaning aromatic preparation.

    A salve is an oily analgesic or medicinal ointment, that may or may not be scented. The etymology is "oily substance".

  4. Thanks for clearning that up for me Llamalluv.
