Monday, October 3, 2011

New Layer lip balm recipe

I found this recipe on Craft for a NEW LAYER™ LIP BALM. The recipe originally came from Ponte Vedra Soap Shoppe. The ingredients you will need are 1½ oz beeswax pearls, 1 oz cocoa butter, 1½ oz shea butter, 2 ozs. sweet almond oil, 1-2 teaspoons flavor oil, and 1 teaspoon vitamin E liquid (optional, as a preservative). And the directions are very simple to create this lip balm in a tub. I must mention that the author states that the vitamin E can be added as a preservative. I have always been told that vitamin E is an anti-oxident which can slow down the rancidity process and it is not a preservative. I am not sure how much time you will have before this recipe will go rancid with the vitamin E, but eventually it will go rancid.

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