Sunday, September 18, 2011

Quick and Easy Mango Butter Recipe

Do you love the fresh natural scent of Mango Butter? How would you like to try the White Body Butter recipe? If you are looking to make your own mango butter recipe, I found on the site Skincare Natural a recipe for Quick and Easy Mango Butter Recipe.

Many of you find that you like to take a recipe and try it with something else, very often one ingredient change can make something completely different. It’s one of the beautiful things about making it yourself.

If you having problems with grainy projects, you should read the article, Avoid Grainy Body Butters – How To Gently Melt Mango and Shea Butter by Skincare Natural.

1 comment:

  1. hi. I tired the mango body butter recipe today and so far it has not set up. I have whipped it and whipped it. Now I put it in the fridge and let harden and will see if that works. Dont know what I did wrong,lol.
    Complete Skin Care Therapy
