As a kid did you love a Neopolatin Ice Cream Sandwich? Well you may want to try this recipe for a scrub in your favorite ice cream treat. I have to be honest with you, I am not sure where I originally found this recipe because the link is broken, but I thought it was interesting enough to share. If anyone knows this recipe belongs to, please let me know. But the most interesting ingredient is the Shealoe Butter. I never heard of it before and wonder if it is similiar to shea butter. So I decided to look into what is is. I found out that Shealoe is a combination of Shea butter and Aloe Vera. If you would like more information on Shealoe, then I would recommend the DIY Skincare blog which has the information on this ingredient. If you are interesting in learning more about Shealoe, I am sure that there are other resources out there with more information on it. Like most handmade skin care products, this Scrub should be used up quickly, as it has not been formulated for long term storage.
The ingredients needed for this recipe are 6 ounces Shealoe Butter, 1 1/2 cups Dendritic Salt, 1/2 teaspoon Milk Chocolate Fragrance Oil, 1/2 teaspoon Strawberry Fragrance Oil, 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Non-Browning Fragrance Oil, (1) .15 cc scoop of FDA Red Mica and (2) .15 cc scoops of Umber Oxide.
To make this recipe you will need to following these instructions. In a large mixing bowl combine the Shealoe Butter and Dendritic Salt. Shealoe is naturally soft, so you should be able to mix this without heating the Butter. However, if it is necessary, you can heat the Butter gently by warming the container in hot water. (Be careful not to let the water get inside the container though.) After the Butter and Salt are fully mixed, split the mixture into three parts in three seperate mixing bowls. Add one Fragrance Oil to each bowl, thouroughly mixing each into the mixture. Next, add two .15 cc scoops of Umber Oxide to the Milk Chocolate scented batch of salt, and mix well to combine. Add 1 .15 cc scoop of FDA Red Mica to the Strawberry scented batch of salt next. Leave the Vanilla scented batch uncolored. Once the batches are fully mixed they can be spooned into jars.
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