Monday, August 8, 2011

Making Sand Candles

I happened to catch an episode on how to make sand candles by Martha
Stewart on Comcast's On Demand. And it brought up memories of when I was a brownie girl scout and the troop went out to Coyote Point in San Mateo and made sand candles on the beach. Now you do not have to live by the beach to create these candles. You just need to get sand from a local retailer that carries a large quanity of it. Probably Lowe's. Orchard Supply or Home Depot carry it.

I thought it was interested to find out that the hotter the wax, the more sand will stick to the candle I really like the shape of the bottles Martha and her guest used in the demonstration. Plus the fine sand they used really enhanced the look of the candle. In this project, beeswax was used and no scent was added.

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