Friday, June 17, 2011

How to Make Homemade Cellulite Cream Using Cocoa Butter

I found this interesting recipe on How to Make Homemade Cellulite Cream Using Cocoa Butter on a website titled Homemade Cosmetics. Looking at the recipe I find two things really interesting. The first thing is that the recipe does not contain water which means it is truly not a cream in the normal sense. Second of all is the use of petroleum jelly. Since petroleum jelly is a by-product of petrol....this recipe is not a 100% natural like the source article states. But it is nice that the articles states that "This homemade cellulite cream is effective, but if you have a very unhealthy lifestyle its progress will be slow. Cellulite builds up in the body because of poor diet and lack of exercise, so make lifestyle changes if you really want healthy and beautiful skin." So you may want to try a combination of the cream and a change of diet and exercise to help with your cellulite. I know that cellulite is unpleasant to discuss but if anyone out there has any other recommendations that you have found successful.


  1. You should be careful about every home made cosmetic treatment, especially because you might be allergic to one of the components and if you don't know, there could be problems. If you have a tested recipe and know if you are or aren't allergic to any of them, then it's OK to use them.
    By Skin Vitality complaints

  2. That is right Avril. It is especially important if you are purchasing something that is handmade from someone online, farmer's market etc. It should be labeled with all ingredients.

    I had one lady in a lotions class and she was wondering if she had to put every ingredient on the label because some of it was secret. I told her you have to list everything because if someone is allgeric to one of those "secret" ingredients it can get you into alot of trouble.

  3. The first link didn't work for me, and in the source article, I read "use a non-petroleum jelly"; they might have changed the recipe a bit, which is great news! What I don't like, though, is the lack of any quantity...

  4. Thanks Amelie for bringing that to my attention. The link must have been removed prior to my posting it.

  5. The Cellulean reviews also mentioned the use of warm coffee grounds and spread on cellulite areas and wrap with moist seaweed. Cover the area with cellophane or any types of plastic wraps and wait for about 20 to 30 minutes, then remove the wrap. Gently massage the area while rinsing with warm water.

  6. Leann,

    Thanks for that information. I hope my readers will find it helpful.

