Thursday, February 3, 2011

Face Scrubs Recipe

Do you use a facial scrub? How would you like to create your own? In this article from provides two different recipes for facial scrubs. One is a general face scrub and the other one is for those who have dry skin. I guess for those like me who have oily skin we can use the general face scrub on our skin. According to the author, oily skin care take using face scrubs more often than dry skin, which seems to be the total opposite of logic. But, dry skin is more fragile than oily skin. Oily skin needs the pores cleaned more frequently. If one has blemished and oily skin, such as acne, they should choose a facial scrub that is free of or low in carrier oils and high in fibers and clays – however, honey is acceptable.

What I really found interesting in this article was that there a few ingredients you can add to your facial scrub to enhance the effects. For example, apple cider vinegar helps the skin maintain its natural acidity while yogurt helps to balance the PH of the skin. I never thought of adding those ingredients to a facial scrubs.

So if you would like a facial scrub to exfoliate the skin on your face, you may want to try the recipes in this article. If you have a recipe that yo would like to share, please let me know I will share it with my readers.


  1. thanks for the mention of our website. Looked around your great site for a while and gave you a thumbs up article on our own site here
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  2. Gregory - I found your site and wanted to share info with my readers. You have alot of great recipes. And thanks for the plug!
