Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Recipe for Homemade Deodorant

Are you looking for a recipe to make your own homemade deodorant? Well here is one which appeared on a crafting forum called Craftster.com. This Homemade Deordorant Recipe was authored by Girl on Bike from Berkeley CA, who originally posted this recipe on her blog by the same name - Girl on Bike back in January 2010. I look foward to seeing more interesting recipes from her.


  1. thank you thank you thank you! I love trying things like this out! Yay!

  2. Your welcome, Amanda. I am always looking for unique and different recipe to share with my readers. Come back and visit often. And please tell your friends!

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my deo. I hope it helps people out.

  4. Your welcome Oakland, CA. I think it will help people out. I am glad to share.
