Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cheery Holiday (Advanced) CP Soap

Here is a really cool advanced cold process soap recipe from Anne-Marie. The name of this bar of soap is Cranberry Inclusion and it is a really cheery holiday soap to make and give as gifts for the holidays.


  1. Wahou ! Your soaps are very beautiful ! I discover your blog this morning thanks to a new member of my blog MaCosmétoDéco&Co ( blog of cosmetics home made mainly : !!! I dream to make my own soaps but i'm a little afraid because of the use of caustic soda. What is your easier recipe of soap ?

    Thank you for your nice blog and maybe see you soon (on your or my blog :) )

  2. Thanks for the compliment, but I cannot take the credit for it. I was just referring the recipe to my readers.

    If you are worried about working with lye, I think melt and pour is the easiest and then rebatced.
