Friday, October 22, 2010

Travel Soap & Matching Lotion Bar

A while back when I was attending an arts and wine festival, I saw a soap booth.  One of the items that the vendor was selling was a travel version of a glycerin bar of soap.  Basically the packaging was very simple, the vendor used a melt and pour soap base and poured it into a deodorant tube container. I thought it was a great idea because I do not know about you, but I hate slimly soap. 

I know that this would be a no brainer to recreate, I thought I would browse the internet to see if anyone has tried to create something similiar.  Low and behold I found these instructions on Wholesale Supplies Plus's blog on how to do a similiar project but in a lotion stick container.Kathy from the Customer Service Department created this tutorial on how to make your own Travel Soap & Matching Lotion Bars

If you are going to do any traveling in the near future and want to take your own soap with you, then you should make make some for yourself.  Or if you know of anyone whose job is to travel (ie salespersons, flight attendants, etc) then you may want to create some and give them as gifts. It would be great to throw into your gym bag and use it the shower after your work out at the gym.  There are probably other ideas where you can take and use this particular item.

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