Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Which Clays, Salts and Natural Additives are Right For Me?

According to Craftbits.com, here is a list of different clays, salts and natural additives that are used in bath and body recipes. Here is some helpful information to assist you in choosing clays and additives for your bath and body products.

Choose a clay that suits your skin requirements you can always substitute you clay ingredients for one that is more suitable, more affordable or simply to one that you may already have.

Different types of clay

Dead Sea Mineral - and nutrient enriched for detoxification.

Green Clay - Detoxifies, oily skin, stimulates circulation.

Moroccan Red - Exfoliates, stimulates circulation.

Fullers Earth - Oily skin, exfoliates and stimulates circulation.

Red Clay
- Stimulated circulation, removes dry skin cells.

Rose Clay - Exfoliates, stimulates circulation.

Which Salt is right for me ?

Epsom Salts - Relaxes the nervous system eases pain and removes toxins.

Sea Salt - Draws toxins from the body.

Dead Sea Salt - Skin tonic, detoxifying, nutrient enriched.

Natural Additives-

Aloe Vera Gel - moisturizer.

Rice Bran Powder Fine - Prevents wrinkles, exfoliates skin, absorbs excess oil and dirt.

Honey Powder - Skin cleaners, softener, absorbs dry skin.

Coconut Milk Powder- Skin softener, full of nutrients.

Source: http://www.craftbits.com/project/which-clay-is-right-for-me

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