Monday, November 2, 2009

Autumn Air Freshners

by Allison B. Kontur
If you missed our Sachet Bead Tutorial previously, you can revisitPart 1, Part 2 & Part 3.

For this project, you will need:

8 oz
Sachet Beads
2.5 oz
Fragrance Oil
Titanium Dioxide Powder - Oil Soluble

We used the following combinations of scent & color:
Phase 1: Measure sachet beads, mica and fragrance oil into a glass jar that has a tightly fitting lid.

Phase 2: Cover with a lid and allow to sit for up to 1 week. Agitate several times a day. The beads will eventually absorb the fragrance oil and become dry to the touch. Some fragrances absorb quickly and others require longer to absorb. Be sure to agitate frequently to ensure color and fragrance are distributed uniformly.

Phase 3: When beads have dried, pack them into a metal cookie cutter (the ring type) to about 1/4" deep. For best results, place your cookie cutters on a non-stick baking surface before filling.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place cookie sheet in oven for 5-10 minutes. Keep careful watch over your ornaments to prevent them from completely melting. The sachet beads will melt slightly and run together, but will not completely flatten out. The beads will retain a slightly bumpy appearance on top. Some smoking is normal as some fragrance oil will burn off.

When time is up, allow ornaments to cool completely before removing the cookie cutter. The ornaments will appear to be stuck to the cookie sheet, but will lift away rather easily. A nail or other sharp object can be used to poke a hole through the top of your ornament. Tie with jute, cord, or ribbon and package.

Note: It is best to hang these air-fresheners rather than to lay them on any surface as the fragrance and/or mica may damage plastic or upholstered surfaces.


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