Monday, October 19, 2009

Dangers of Commercial Soap

Commercial soaps are not as "clean" as you might think. First of all, commercial soaps contain harmful FD&C dyes, which are known to cause cancer, chromosome damage, hyperactivity, hives, etc. Furthermore, namebrand soaps spend more money on their packaging than the actual soap (not to mention advertising expenses).

The naturally-occurring glycerin, a moisturizer, is also removed from commercial soaps (so the bars are harder and longer-lasting). This is why we can't wash our faces with commercial soap, and instead need to now buy an additional product (presumably offered by the same company) to wash our faces.

Another danger of store-bought soap is that animal testing is still being used. Commercial soaps that test on animals include: Camay, Ivory, Oil of Olay, and Zest. Possibly even more disturbing is that many namebrand soaps are made with animal by-products (tallow, lard). Not only are these by-products full of toxic growth hormones, but they clog pores. Commercial soaps made with animal by-products: Irish Spring, Dove, Camay, Dial, and Lever 2000.

According to KitchenDoctor.Com, commercial soaps are "laced with antibiotics and derivatives of the petrochemical industry that eventually end up in our sewage and septic systems." So, be sure to factory in the harms of factory pollution, corporate waste, multi-national conglomerate corporations, globalization, and over-all corporate control in your new passion for handmade soapmaking.

According to FDA/CFSAN.Gov, "Today, there are very few true soaps in the traditional sense on the market...Most body cleansers on the market today are actually synthetic detergent products..." This is why you'll see things in the soap aisle labeled "beauty bars," "deodorant bars," and "antibacterial bars." These chemical mutations masquerading as soap no longer meet the FDA's definition of soap, which is pretty hard to do.

And, speaking of the FDA, they do not require the ingredients of true soaps to be disclosed to consumers. To this day, nobody knows what's in Jergen's or Ivory.


  1. Frankly, I don't have a problem with Lard soap. It's the one that cleared up my husbands ecezema.

  2. Thank you for posting this.

    What are some additional animal byproducts found in commercially made soaps beside lard?

  3. Your welcome, Jennifer. I found this article quite interesting. So I wanted to share it with my readers.

    I know from reading soap making books that the most common "animal by product ingredient" is either Tallow or Lard. I do not know of any other animal products.

    It is usually a fat product that is used.

  4. So what is a good natural soap that you recommend using instead?
