Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pumpkin Spice Potpourri

Featured in Better Homes and Gardens' Floral and Nature Crafts magazine, 11/96 issue


3 c Windmill Pods, Orange; 2 c Kesu Flowers, Natural; 2 c Chili Peppers (dried); 2 c Spina Cristi; 1 c Tilia Flowers; 1 c Curly Pods, natural; 1 c Lotus Pods, mini 1 c; Acorns & "hats" (optional); 1 c Corn Husks, torn into narrow strips, 1 to 3" long (optional); 1 c light-colored seeds (pumpkin seeds, pistachio shells); 1/2 c Mace; whole 6 whole Nutmegs, cut in half

1/4 c Ginger Root Slices or Pieces; 12 Tonka Beans, 6 cut in half ; 1/2 Vanilla Bean or 10 drops of Vanilla or French Vanilla Fragrance Oil, Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil; 10 to 20 3" or 6" Cinnamon Sticks; 10 to 15 Chinese Lanterns (sometimes called Japanese Lanterns)


Slit Vanilla Bean piece and scrape out the tiny seeds. Combine with Tonka Beans and Ginger Root slices in non-metallic container. Add the oils and mix well, cover and set aside or overnight to blend the scents. Add first potpourri ingredient to a large non-metallic container, add fixative/scent mixture and mix well. Add each ingredient, mixing with hands after each one, to distribute the scent. Top with Cinnamon Sticks and Lanterns. Keep covered when not "in use". 3/96

Source: http://www.aworldofplenty.com/1-ideas/2-blends.html

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