Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Scales for Sale

I was reading some of the updated entries from the blogs I follow and I found on Craftgossip.com that Southern Soapers offers a variety of scales for creating your soap and other bath and body products.

First is a brand by the name of Escali. They come in nine lovely colors including black and chrome or another color that may match your kitchen, office or craft room. They have an 11 lb. capacity as well and are great for the beginner or veteran soap maker. Find them on Southern Soapers for only $29.95.

The other professional brands are available ranging from $40 to $150.

So for those who have taken a class from me (or anyone else for that matter) and are looking for a scale, check out Southern Soapers scales page of their website (http://southernsoapers.com/cart/soap-scales-c-2.html?page=2&sort=20a)

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