Monday, June 22, 2009

Tropical Nut Milk Bath recipe

Tropical Nut Milk Bath from Make Your Cosmetics
by HTN President Donna Maria

This simple yet refreshing recipe smells heavenly in a soothing bath soak and, since it contains no oil, it does not leave a ring around the tub. The vegetable glycerin and milk combine to soften the skin. You can double this recipe, or even triple it, if you have an especially large tub.

Yield: Approx. 18 ounces


16 ounces coconut milk
2 ounces vegetable glycerin
1-2 teaspoons coconut fragrance oil


Combine all ingredients into a cup and mix well. Use the smaller amount of fragrance oil or the larger one, depending on your personal preference. Add Tropical Nut Milk Bath to warm drawn bath and swish well to incorporate fully. Step in and be luxurious in a tropical kind of way. Enjoy!!


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