Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Body spritzer recipe

Nature’s Garden Candles has a great recipe for a body spritzer, a nice way to cool down in the hot summer weather.

Homemade Body Spritzer


Gallon Distilled Water
1/2 Cup epsom Salt
1/2 cup water softener
Body Safe Fragrance Oils
Vitamin E oil (optional)

Note: The fragrance oil does not mix thoroughly with the water mixture, so do not use a see-through bottle for these, and shake the bottle before you spray.

1. Put epsom salt and water softener in distilled water. Allow to dissolve completely.
2. Pour mixture into 8 oz. spray bottles.
3. Top each bottle off with 1 Tbsp. of a Body Safe Fragrance oil of your choice.
4. You’re done!

Source: http://bathnbody.craftgossip.com/body-spritzer-recipe/2008/09/15/


  1. What do you use as a water softener?

  2. I have not come across that problem before but let's throw it to see if anyone else has a suggestion.
