When I was at Juniper Tree in Berkeley last month purchasing supplies for an upcoming body balms and butters class, I found that they were selling a booklet by Catherine Failor on making cream soap for $5.95. I went ahead and purchased it. As I was reading the pamphlet on my return trip to Union City on BART she makes her recipes on the stove top, but you can make whipped cream soap in a crockpot. Since Catherine sells soap mold via her website (http://www.milkywaymolds.com/) I thought I would contact her to see if she could provide information on how to do so. She responded back to tell me the best way to find out make cream soap with a crockpot was to join a online group such as cream soapmaking on Yahoo.
While searching the internet I found this link from Soap Making Essentials that describes how to make Whipped Cream Soap in a crock pot - http://www.soap-making-essentials.com/how-to-make-soap-whipped-cream.html.
These instructions include very simple instructions with color photos of each step. The author also recommends joining the Yahoo Cream Soap Group. If you are interested in joining this group here is a link that will take you there - http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/CreamSoap/?v=1&t=search&ch=web&pub=groups&sec=group&slk=5
I am continuly looking for other recipes to share with you. If you have a recipe that you would like to share, please contact me.
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