Friday, April 10, 2009

Purchasing a Tutorial on Swirling

One of the blogs ( I follow had an entry about a tutorial about ordering a tutorial about swirling colors in soap making. I had to read more. I am planning to purchase a copy in the future. If anyone has a copy of this tutorial and would like to critic it, please leave your comments and I will post them. I am sure alot of readers would like to hear your opinion about this publication.

Swirling with the Best!
28 page Tutorial on Swirling

Swirls Done In The Pot (Cold Process & Hot Process)
Swirls Done In The Mold (Cold Process & Melt and Pour)

Available in several formats:
PDF File Download
CD Mailed
Printed Booklet

To order Swirling with the Best! Click here to order! Or visit for more information.

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