Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Peaches and Cream Soap Recipe

1 (4 ounce) bar castile soap (unfragranced baby soap works well)
1/4 cup distilled water
1/4 cup powdered milk
1 tablespoon sweet almond oil
1/8 teaspoon peach fragrance oil
1 drop orange food coloring (optional)

Shred the soap and set aside. Heat the water in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Stir in the shredded soap until it forms a sticky mass. Remove the pan from the heat and add the powdered milk, sweet almond oil, peach fragrance oil and food coloring, if desired. Stir until well blended. Spoon the soap into mold and set for 4 hours or until hardened.

Source: http://www.pureandnaturalsoaps.com/recipe-peaches-cream-soap.html

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