Thursday, April 30, 2009

Essential Oil Ideas -

Cinnamon: Spicy, warming. Use sparingly, as the oil is very strong.

Clove: Spicy, warming. Use sparingly, as the oil is very strong.

Ginger: Warm, spicy, and exotic. Great for winter blends. Use sparingly, as the oil is very strong.

Grapefruit: Fresh, uplifting, light citrus scent.

Lemon: Fresh, uplifting, citrus scent.

Lime: Fresh, uplifting, citrus scent.

Peppermint: Cooling, refreshing, and invigorating. Use sparingly, as the oil is very strong.

Spearmint: Cooling, refreshing, and invigorating. Use sparingly, as the oil is very strong.

Sweet Orange: Refreshing, uplifting, sweet, citrus scent. Blends well with many oils.


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