Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Solution to Grittiness in Lotion Recipe

For those students who took my lotions class and mentioned in my bath salts and body scrubs class that their lotions felt gritty. I think I know what may be causing that - the citric acid. Maybe too much was added or was not mixed in completely. But if you wanted to you can completely omitted from the recipe.

I was asked by a student (I am sorry I forgot your name) what were my favorite oils and why. The two I mentioned were Jojoba and Sweet Almond. I thought about it and I would like to add grapeseed to the list because it is a light oil that absorbs quickly without feeling greasy. And another oil I like is macadamia nut oil because it is close to our sebum and it easily absorbs to the skin. There is one other that I like and that is Camilla oil for the reason that I like the feel of it. I hope that helps.

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