Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lip Balm Recipes from Martha Stewart

In the December 2008 issue of Martha Stewart Living there are some body product recipes that appear on pages 118 - 122. There are recipes for lip balms, body scrubs, bath fizzies, and holiday balls.

If you are interested in the Martha Stewart Lip balm Recipe, then check out the link. Martha's recipe is very simple and includes only a few tools and materials which include beeswax pellets, carrier oils, essentials and a few tools that you need. In her recipe she also includes lipstick shavings in case you would like to add a slight tint to your product.

She has has included packaging ideas which includes links to clip art labels for your products. Some of the one she lists are Small Retangular #1, Small Retangular #2 , Small Round #1 , Small Round #2 , Large Retangular #1 , Large Retangular #2 , Large Retangular Blank #1 , Large Retangular Blank #2 , Large Round #1 and Large Round #2. But I think my favorite is for the lip balm tubes.

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